Filing Extensions and Minimizing Penalties
Taxpayers who requested an automatic extension to file their 2019 federal income tax returns may file anytime up until October 15, 2020. Remember, however, that an automatic IRS extension is only an extension to file tax returns, NOT an extension to pay any tax owed. Taxes not paid by the July 15, 2020 payment deadline may be subject to late penalties and interest charges.
Therefore, taxpayers who have not yet sent an IRS payment that was due on July 15, including 2019 income tax and first- and second-quarter estimated tax payments for 2020, should submit a payment to the IRS as soon as possible to minimize penalties. Electronic payments may be made using the IRS online payment portal (link below). The IRS urges those who cannot pay what they owe at this time to pay whatever amount they can, and then apply for an installment plan to pay off the remaining balance.
Those who did not file a 2019 federal return or automatic extension request by July 15 may face a Failure to File penalty in addition to late fees and interest. It is therefore especially important for these taxpayers to take action as soon as possible. A tax professional can help anyone trying to meet federal tax filing and payment requirements to submit the appropriate forms and applications to the IRS, and start getting back on track.
IRS Online Payment Portal: