You Can Now Self-Schedule Appointments With RTW!
CPA Verification of Income Letters (see update below)
For your ease and convenience, you can now self-schedule appointments to speak with us regarding your financial service questions or concerns.
Go to and click on the “Schedule” tab. (top right corner, next to “Contact Us”)
Select a 15 or 30 minute Zoom appointment. Any scheduling beyond the 30 minute timeframe must be discussed with a member of the RTW Team prior to scheduling. There is a fee for appointments exceeding 30 minutes.
You do not have to be a client to self-schedule. We only ask that everyone is considerate of our time by being properly prepared at the time of your appointment.
To Schedule:
- Go to the or use the link below to access our calendar.
- Select a 15 Minute or 30 Minute appointment
- Once you are in the calendar select a date
- The available time slots will pop up
- Select the time and then click the “Confirm” button
- Enter your name, contact information and a brief explanation of why you are scheduling an appointment.
Current Clients, please note: The link below can also be found at the bottom of recent mails in the contact information:
Need a Letter From a CPA For a Loan Application
Small business owners, entertainers and entrepreneurs applying for a mortgage or business loans are often challenged by financial institutions and their proof of income requirements.
Many financial institutions or lenders now require a signed letter from a CPA Certified Public Account. This letter is used to provide verification that the funds to purchase a home or secure a loan were actually generated by your business.
If you are a Small Business Owner and looking to buy a home, please call us before you begin your loan application. We can help you expedite the process.
If you or someone you know has had their mortgage loan process placed on “pause” because the lender is requiring a signed letter from a CPA confirming your income, we can work with you too.
Contact us today! (855) 205- 8486 or [email protected] or self schedule an appointment at