Please Note: This schedule details our summer appointment hours only. Our staff can be reached daily during regular business hours at (855) 205-8486 or you may email us at [email protected] for all your business needs.
We will continue to see clients daily for scheduled meetings (Mon. thru Fri.) by appointment only. All previously scheduled meetings and appointments will continue as scheduled.
Will take appointments only, for dropping off or picking up documents on the following days:
Tues., Wed., & Thurs. – 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
We have been extremely busy with the tax filing season and assisting small businesses that have been impacted by the pandemic with loan and grant applications. To ensure that we’re able to fully devote our attention to each of our client’s concerns, rather than walking in, we are asking that you call for an appointment.
To schedule an appointment for a meeting, drop off or pick up, please call (855) 205-8486.
If you would like to upload documents electronically, please use our secure drop box by clicking this link Client Drop Box or go to our website and click on the “Contact Us” tab.
You may also fax documents via EFAX to 1-(855)-541-0895.
RTW looks forward to working with you and wishes you a safe and enjoyable summer!